Mr. Premier,
There has been a lot of fiasco and turnarounds within the entire world especially in case of Tibet issue which compelled me to write this letter to you.But please dont worry as I being a tibetan wont protest or revoke against you as you can consider me as your wellwisher.
So mr. Hu I would like to reassure not to worry much about the tibetan people living in exile as we are doing nothing much great with disintegration between ourselves and busy in our own world.Really you can afford to relax and take your immense time in strengthing your border lines and try to eat up maximum part of Arunachal and Ladakh.This will be better for you as the govt. in exile has become rotten and will need to refresh it.But but I cant say anything when the youth brigade come to the situation and take the responsibility on their shoulders and if the patriotic anger which is boiling in their nerves blast out.