Thursday, November 11, 2010


Mr. Premier,

There has been a lot of fiasco and turnarounds within the entire world especially in case of Tibet issue which compelled me to write this letter to you.But  please dont worry as I being a tibetan wont protest or revoke against you as you can consider me as your wellwisher.
                                So mr. Hu I would like to reassure not to worry much about the tibetan people living in exile as we are doing nothing much great with disintegration between ourselves and busy in our own world.Really you can afford to relax and take your immense time in strengthing your border lines and try to eat up maximum part of Arunachal and Ladakh.This will be better for you as the govt. in exile has become rotten and will need to refresh it.But but I cant say anything when the youth brigade come to the situation and take the responsibility on their shoulders and if the patriotic anger which is boiling in their nerves blast out.
Than i cant foretell anything what will be the case as I can see the future of Tibet in the hands of the youth and not the rotten eggs in the exile govt.
                                      Your Highness  I came to know that your govt. is showering money to the tibetan people to celebrate LOSAR  making it indespensable to celebrate.Mr.Hu "Why you wasting your money like that"? What if the people in Tibet decided not to celebrate LOSAR,it will surely be not a problem for you.Dont you know that what was the impact of it,here in India even after the news of not celebrating the LOSAR in Tibet we were about to celebrate not if the notice came from the centralgovt. to make this LOSAR as a black or nyanye.But there are some who doesnt care about the deplorable and pathetic situation up there in the Himalayan glacier and make different reasons to celebrate and some do celebrate.So Mr. Hu wasn't I right?Why to waste unnecessary money on that?Better you concentrate on your economic development and unemployment situation.
                                     Mr. Premier I want to know from you that "Why did your govt. create a havoc on His Holiness visit to US.Did you really sensed that Mr.Obama will look into the tibetan issue?Why did you called His Holiness a separatist of China?? Please dont do that in near future as this will only a slap on your face.The breaking news and the headlines of His Holiness meeting with Obama which the news channel presented was a good awareness of tibetan issue.Do you think all these news channel against you?Dont ever think like that as they just want spicy news so as to increase their TRP and behind it there is nothin political.So do you really think that the meeting between them a successful one,God knows..??Be patient and relax Your Highness but but if in the near future the human rights violation and the genocides in Tibet are not stopped than you have to be very careful from the youth of Tibet as they will surely be an obstacle for you to achieve your supremacy but for now you can relax and concentrate on your nation's other important issues.
                                             Relax relax mr.Hu and please dont torture much to the tibetan people fighting for their freedom and protesting against you.I must say that this doesnt cause any panic to the people living here in India.You know mr. president that here in India it seems our motive is not freedom but to look for greener pasture and most trying their very best to fly to US or Canada or any european countries whichever they want so.I Asked to one of person who was trying to fly to US third time"why is that you are so desperate to go to US"?The person replied "oh i have to look after my children"?.....I started thinking ...what happens to those thousand of children who came from Tibet on their own and by their parents call?Who take care of them?Doesnt anybody thinks so?Blessed are we of His Holiness that we are able to stand on our own feet..Thus mr. Hu the system and the mindset in the tibetan peoplehas become like that of spider's web that its very hard to get out of it.So why you unnecessarily worrying???

                                                  Mr. Hu to be in your good books I must say that here tibetan are grouped into two parties i.e,complete independence and autonomous.The struggle to freedom needs one motive and same vision but here its not like that.It has become a trend to criticize each other so I assure you to relax till they fight,criticize,argue and blame each other which seems unstoppable and immortal.But But Mr.Hu Jin Tao I must warn you that if we come across all the weak points and the motive becomes Rock Solid than i can predict that you will panick .
                                             Your Highness I here conclude that if you consider my above thoughts than you have plenty of time to relax but I must warn on behalf of all the tibetans that to be prepared for the JUDGEMENT DAY when all the tibetans get united and take self responsibility and know the meaning of freedom than even your DRAGON can't do anything..........Mind it
Yours wellwisher

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